Thursday, March 27, 2014

Talking about Responsibility

During the month of March, classes at Metro Deaf School have been talking about the importance of Responsibility! In one of our high school elective classes, some of our students did interviews with staff and students to get their perspective about what responsibility looks like. Check out what we found.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Teen Night

 Juan's dad  is a DJ  and came during the party. He and his children were the DJs for Teen night. After set it, they need test music and lights to get ready for the dance party at night. Heng helped them, Heng worked the control box for moving the light right or left and up or down.

Gage invented new game called "Jump into middle of jump rope circle". Rules are everyone need run circles far from jump rope when DJ's music on. Once music goes off, Everyone runs into middle of jump rope circle, last person in the circle is out!

People join play limbo dance. Once everyone has gone once, the pole goes down. Some people touch pole or fall on floor and got out! First champion was teen girl and last champion was Brenton.

All girls danced in line at gym, they enjoyed that, but boys don't want join them.

Kelley was excited and wanted to dance too!

Here is a brief interview from some of the people at teen night: